Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in Advanced and Creative Hairdressing Course in Islamabad In Pakistan (Rawalpindi, Peshawar)

Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in Advanced and Creative Hairdressing Course in Islamabad

Inspire Institute of Technologies Pakistan Private-SMC Limited is directly authorised by Qualifi (An Ofqual Recognised Awarding Organisation

About Course:

This practical and knowledge-based set of credentials has been developed to enhance and equip current hairstylists with advanced and creative abilities in hair services, specifically advanced hair science, consultation and profiling, creative cutting, colour correction, creative setting, dressing styling and finishing hair, and creative colouring. Additionally, this certificate will provide practising hairdressers the confidence they need to acquire proof in a real-world setting.

The Diploma and Certificate will give students the knowledge and abilities to perform advanced and creative hairdressing services, enabling them to acquire the skills and fundamental knowledge required to operate in the hairdressing industry as a Hairdresser/Senior/Creative Stylist.

Main Objective’s:

Advanced and creative hair stylists operate independently while managing both themselves and others as needed. They are enthusiastic, driven, and creative.

In addition to working to the highest standards and consistently improving their personal and professional skills, they offer a superior service. They plan their work and their time, take responsibility for their client lists, and seek for perfection by having a great deal of pride in their work and their field.

What will learner Learn?

They will learn to offer a great service, while working to the highest standards and consistently expanding their personal and professional skills. Advanced & Creative Hair Professional talents.

They will learn how to plan ahead, be proactive, adaptable, and take extraordinary pride in their job and your business. They will also learn how to take control of their work and client lists, accept responsibility, be proactive, flexible, and take ownership of their schedules.

How will they be educated?

Our personal tutors will give your staff the one-on-one coaching and high-quality instruction they need to advance swiftly. Through interactive learning tools, access to complementary online resources, relevant social communities, and real-time learner information, our user-friendly learner management system, "Bud," will really bring the subject to life so that you always know what your employee is learning and how they are progressing.


Developing, planning, and promoting haircuts by researching fashion trends

examining the variables that affect how hairstyles are designed and made

Present, demonstrate, and advertise abilities through a variety of media kinds and channels.

consultations in-depth and hair analysis

How to deal with issues that could arise while creative colour

Give suggestions for upcoming services


designing cutting-edge hairstyles

using the cutting and sectioning guidelines

the application of technical skills in a creative and precise manner

Individualized cutting that takes into account the client's unique traits

develops unique and creative colour conversion services to alter the depth and tone of hair.

modern, inventive colouring methods

Offer your clients a smoothing and strengthening service.

Course Content:

To achieve this qualification a learner must successfully complete nine units, all eight mandatory units, and at least one unit from the optional section:


Advanced Hair Science

Implement health, safety, and hygiene

Client consultation and profiling

Creatively cut hair

Creatively set, dress, style, and finish hair

Creatively colour and lighten hair


Colour correction

Creatively perm hair

Smooth and strengthen hair

Relax hair

Hair extensions

Braid, twist, and thread wrap hair

Cultivate, maintain, and repair locks

Advise on products and services

Freelance worker

Promotional activities

Learning Outcomes:

Learners will gain advanced knowledge about the structure and function of the body's systems and how they interact with one another, the structure and function of hair and hair growth, the structure and functions of the skin, and the relative and absolute contraindications and associated pathologies. This knowledge will help them make better decisions about which products, tools, equipment, and techniques to use when providing advanced and creative hair services.

By researching laws, regulations, and procedures, learners will be able to put their advanced knowledge and understanding of health, safety, and hygiene practises into practise. When implementing health, safety, and hygiene for the salon, oneself, and clients for services/treatments, the learner will analyse and assess policies and processes for improvement.

All of the practical technical elements in this qualification are supported by client consultation and profile creation. Students will be able to conduct a succinct consultation to choose the best solution or course of action for the client's needs and desired results.

Learners will develop advanced knowledge and creative abilities to be able to employ materials, tools, and equipment as well as a variety of creative cutting techniques to produce a custom, restyled look to improve self-image.

Learners will acquire advanced knowledge and creative skills to be able to use products, tools, equipment, and a variety of conventional and nonconventional styling and dressing techniques to produce innovative, fashionable, creative, and individualised looks. Creatively set, dress, style, and finish hair.

Creatively colour and lighten hair

Colour correction

Creatively perm hair

Smooth and strengthen hair

Relax hair

Map Location For Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in Advanced and Creative Hairdressing Course in Islamabad In Pakistan