UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Network Security In Pakistan (Rawalpindi, Peshawar)

UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Network Security


What is Network Security?

With everything online, unauthorized access to sensitive data is a serious concern. When even your printers are connected to storage systems and repositories, maintaining strict security policies with access controls helps ensure that hackers won't find a way in the front or side door of your network. Information security is one of the biggest fears with an increasingly connected world, and different types of network security could be the keys to protecting your most sensitive information. With the right strategies in place, you'll have little to worry about.

Course Description:

UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Network Security courses will teach you how to protect your networks from an array of threats, including unauthorised access, malware and data theft. From email security to setting up firewalls, these courses will show you how to identify weaknesses in your network security as well as how to strengthen it to ensure that no external party can access your data.

Why this course?

Understand the importance of network security in the modern technological world. Create systems that are resistant to modern attacks. Follow the latest trends in attack and defence technologies.

Course Content:

Cyber Security and its Types Reference Model Network Security Types of Network Security Attacks Network Vulnerabilities Tools Used to Ensure Network Security

Learning Outcomes:

UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Network Security course, you’ll learn to monitor and control unauthorized access, misuse, and unwanted modification in your networking system. You’ll learn how to prevent network attacks and identify gaps in security policy, guaranteeing privacy.

Application security measures Identify operating system holes The important interplay of privacy and digital rights management Trends in malware, privacy and security for mobile devices Ways to prevent network attacks and gaps in security policy


It is worth learning UKQ UK Approved International Certificate in Network Security. With the rise of technology, the need for network security is increasingly important. Knowing how to secure a network and protect its data is valuable in today's world.

Awarding Body:

United Kingdom Qualifications (UKQ) Limited today is an international awarding organisation, offering qualifications at different levels and in a wide range of subject areas. UK-Qualifications recognises the skills, knowledge and understanding achieved by a learner at a particular level and in a particular subject.


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